
Saas Software Reseller Agreement Template

by bamsco March. 27, 22 3 Comments

Unfortunately, the resale of software, like any type of investment, is not a foolproof concept. With the good parts come the bad ones, and in the white label resale business, there are a lot of things that can go wrong. Unclear property rights, missed deadlines, and ill-defined requirements can turn any transaction into a disaster. Another important difference is that the reseller technically buys the product from the developer. At this point, they are completely free to do with it what they want. This means that as a reseller, you can rename the software with your name and logo and resell it as your own. This also means that the developer is in no way responsible for your success. If you do not sell the product to end users, you are the one causing the loss. 1. Generate leads and sales for COMPANY-approved SaaS products to maximize software revenue. However, we provide you with a checklist of software reseller contracts that you can refer to at any time. Software reseller contracts can not only help business partnerships thrive, but also help avoid various problems.

These problems can come from simple problems, such as . B: Software reseller agreements may be exclusive or non-exclusive. The software provider has the right to choose the type of agreement it offers to each individual reseller. It`s a win-win situation. Developers don`t have to worry about marketing and intellectual property rights, while resellers get a great incentive to sell as many products as possible as they build their own business in the process. You may not advertise on behalf of the Developer or act as an agent. If they do not sell white label products under their own brand, resellers should clarify the nature of the relationship with the developer. This means that they should use the title of an independent reseller instead of presenting themselves as a unit related to the original developer. This Reseller Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between you and Atlassian with respect to the resale of Atlassian Products as described in this Reseller Agreement and supersedes all prior or contemporaneous oral or written communications, suggestions and representations regarding the Products or other matters covered by this Reseller Agreement. If any provision of this Reseller Agreement is held to be void, invalid, unenforceable or illegal, the remaining provisions shall remain in full force and effect. This Reseller Agreement may only be modified or supplemented as described in Section 11 (Amendments to the Agreement) or otherwise with atlassian`s written consent (which may be withheld in its sole discretion without cause). As used in this document, “including” (and its variants) means “including, but not limited to” (and its variants).

If any of the parties to this Reseller Agreement violates any provision of this Reseller Agreement with respect to Confidential Information or Intellectual Property Rights, there may not be reasonable remedies available solely by law; Therefore, the aggrieved party to this Reseller Agreement may seek an injunction, a specific performance or any other form of equitable remedy or pecuniary damages, or a combination thereof. No breach or delay by the aggrieved party to this Reseller Agreement in exercising any right, authority or privilege under this Agreement shall be deemed a waiver thereof, and no single or partial exercise of this Agreement shall preclude any further exercise or exercise of this Agreement or the exercise of any right, authority or privilege under the law or equity. The parties are independent contractors. Nothing in this Reseller Agreement shall be construed as constituting either party as a partner of the other party or creating any other form of legal association that would give the party the right, authority or authority, express or implied, to create an obligation or obligation of the other party. (b) at the time of this Agreement, the performance, delivery and performance of this Agreement by this Agreement does not breach any contractual, statutory or other obligation that applies thereto; Now that you know exactly what a software reseller contract should cover, you`re just one step away from starting your own SaaS resale business. All you need now are top quality products that you can easily rename and sell as your own. This Atlassian Reseller Agreement (the “Reseller Agreement”) is between the respective Reseller (“You” or the “Reseller”) and Atlassian Pty Ltd (ABN #53 102 443 916). . .


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