
Nih Grants Policy Statement Leave of Absence

by bamsco March. 17, 22 3 Comments

The purpose of this notice is to remind NIH pre-approval recipients of changes in the status of principal investigators and turnkey staff and to clarify situations in which NIH pre-approval is required. This notice explains guidelines for part-time training, leave (leave, leave, sick leave, parental leave, leave without pay) and applications for scholarship renewals or appointments due to training interruptions. The announcement applies to doctoral and postdoctoral researchers and fellows supported by the Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) research training grants or individual scholarships. For a complete list of NRSA and other Nih programs to support after-school education, see researchtraining.nih.gov/programs. Details of the NRSA Guidelines can be found in the NIH Grant Policy Statement (GPS). The relevant sections of GPS are listed below. NRSA interns and fellows may continue to receive scholarships for up to 15 calendar days of sick leave per year. Sick leave can be used for illnesses related to pregnancy and childbirth. (GPS references: Interns, Fellows). In exceptional cases, this period may be extended upon written request to the NIH allocation component. NRSA trainees and fellows who are away from their research training experience for an extended period of time must obtain approval from the NIH, which grants IC leave without pay. An application letter must be submitted by the AOR, signed by the intern or fellow, as well as the training/IP grant or scholarship sponsor. The request must state the reason for the leave and inform the NIH assigning the IC of the expected dates of the leave.

Interns, fellows and NRSA institutions are excluded from the issuance of cash prizes during the leave; although ongoing health insurance coverage is permitted if it complies with the host institution`s policy. During a leave, the documents relating to the suspension of the granting and/or the postponement of benefits for the calculation of the obligation to reimburse must be completed and kept by the beneficiary institution. When the fellowship or research training award ends definitively, the leave must be clearly indicated on the notice of termination. (GPS references: Interns, Fellows) The NIH supports researchers who take time off to care for a family member or in the event of a personal disability. NIH grants (with the exception of the Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Awards – see below) reimburse actual and eligible costs for child care, parental leave, or additional technical assistance, provided that these costs are incurred within formally established institutional guidelines that are applied consistently regardless of the source of support. For more information on how to use grants, see the frequently asked questions below. Fees arising from clinical practice, career guidance or other comparable activities carried out in accordance with the purpose of the scholarship may not be withheld by the trainee. These fees must be allocated to the recipient organization for decision in accordance with NIH guidelines for program revenues (see Systems and Procedures for Managing Program Revenue Administrative Requirements in IIA). The term “fee” does not apply to fees, academic writing fees, occasional conferences outside the country, or advisory services to public or private non-profit organizations.

If organizational guidelines permit, these fees may be withheld by the intern. The NIH will make a change of recipient organization by issuing a revised NoA Award Notice: the official, legally binding document signed by a grant management officer (or the electronic equivalent of the signature) that: (1) notifies the grant recipient; (2) contains or refers to all the terms and conditions of the grant and the limits and obligations of federal funding; and (3) provides the documentation base for recording the commitment of federal funds in the NIH accounting system. to the original beneficiary reflecting the modified end date of the budget/project period, the cancellation of any support for the coming year and, where appropriate, the communication of the remaining funds. (A communication of funds is based on estimated grant expenditures up to the time of submission resulting from the waiver or the balance available in pmS, whichever is the shorter.) Recipients may choose to submit an electronic request for a successor in the interest of meeting the requirement of the title page(s), confirmation of the ASSIGNEE`s EIN, verification of the assignee`s compliance with applicable requirements (e.g. B, scientific misconduct, fabrication, counterfeiting or plagiarism in proposing, carrying out or verifying research results). Manufacturing means inventing and recording or reporting data or results. Counterfeiting is the manipulation of research materials, equipment or processes or the modification or omission of data or results so that the search is not accurately represented in the search protocol. Plagiarism is the appropriation of another person`s ideas, processes, results, or words without giving proper recognition. Scientific misconduct does not include honest mistakes or honest disagreements. compliance assurance) and waiver. The electronic application is made through Grants.gov through the Parent Funding Opportunity Announcement A publicly available document through which a federal agency expresses its intention to provide discretionary grants or cooperative arrangements, usually as a result of competition for funds.

Announcements of funding opportunities may be referred to as program announcements, application applications, notices of funding availability, solicitations or other names, depending on the organization and type of program. For funding announcements, see Grants.gov/FIND and the NIH Guide to Grants and Contracts. to grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/parent_announcements.htm. NIH Pre-Approval Written Approval by an Authorized HHS Official, para. B a designated ARBR, which demonstrates prior consent before a recipient performs certain activities or incurs certain costs (see Administrative Requirements – Project and Budget Changes – Requirements for Pre-Approval). is necessary for the transfer of legal and administrative responsibility for a grant-funded project or activity from one legal entity to another prior to the completion date of the approved project period (competition segment). A change of recipient organization can be made under most NIH grants if one of the following conditions is met: In 2011, the NIH amended the biosketch guidelines for NIH grant applications to allow explanations of how personal circumstances may have delayed a person`s transition to an independent career or reduced their scientific productivity. For more information, see the not-OD-11-045 and NOT-OD-11-050 policy notes. Parental leave. Trainees may receive scholarships A payment to an individual as part of a scholarship or training grant at predetermined levels to cover the person`s living expenses during the training period. A scholarship is not considered remuneration for the benefits expected of an employee.

up to 60 calendar days (equivalent to 8 weeks of work) of parental leave per year for the adoption or birth of each child. Every parent is entitled to parental leave. Interns and NRSA Kirschstein Fellows must inform the Fellow`s institution in advance before taking parental leave. Notifying supervisors and others of their intention to take time off must be consistent with corporate policy and consistently applied regardless of the source of funding. Scholarships funded primarily for educational purposes are not subject to invention reporting requirements, nor does the NIH have rights to inventions under these awards (as specified in Part 401.1(b) of 37 CFR). The training of Kirschstein NRSA Fellows at the NIH is an exception to this policy. These fellows are subject to the provisions of EO 10096 and DAS NIH determines the disposition of rights to any invention that was designed during the term of the fellowship or initially reduced to practice. All institutional research training grants and other funding agreements awarded primarily for educational purposes are not subject to invention reporting requirements, nor does the NIH have rights to inventions under such grants and agreements (as specified in 2 CFR 200,315 and 45 CFR Part 75,322 and 37 CFR 401.1 (b)). The NIH Award Terms and Conditions give the winner the authority to extend once the last budget period of a previously approved project period for a period of up to 12 months beyond the initial completion date in the NoA Award Notice: the official and legally binding document signed by a grant management officer (or the electronic equivalent of the signature) and: (1) notifies the recipient of the granting of a subsidy; (2) contains or refers to all the terms and conditions of the grant and the limits and obligations of federal funding; and (3) provides the documentation base for recording the obligation of federal funds in the NIH accounting system. .

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