
Should Students Wear School Uniforms Thesis Statement

by bamsco March. 31, 22 3 Comments

As with any other trial, make sure your essay on school uniforms is engaging. Take a multi-stakeholder approach when recommending a policy. Baumann, Chris and Hana Krskova. “School Discipline, School Uniforms and Academic Achievement.” International Journal of Educational Management 30.6 (2016): 1003-1029. School uniforms go a long way in promoting the spirit of the school. A spirit of unity and unity is inspired. You can testify of the Spirit when students participate in school activities such as out-of-school competitions. The uniform automatically elicits a higher sense of school pride. At the end of the introductory paragraph, include your thesis.

Make sure with your written essay that it ticks off most, if not all, of these lists of facts that will lead a school uniform to excellent grades. Students who wear uniforms at school are not allowed to express themselves freely. Wearing what you want, with exceptions, naturally makes students more comfortable with themselves. Having your own style during school time makes a big difference in self-confidence. Greater self-confidence can improve student performance during school. This means that students should be able to wear what they feel comfortable in order to express themselves in their own way. Some people say that uniforms prevent peer pressure, bullying and discipline. However, this is reasonably true, but bullying will always be a problem in any school system. Discipline is not based on uniforms, but on the actions of certain students. Bullying always occurs with or without a uniform. Nothing about peer pressure, bullying or discipline has changed since the uniforms were introduced. There is no proven change in school systems across the country that have uniforms.

Bullying, peer pressure and discipline are always an issue and always will be. Schools in our country should not require uniforms because they are not necessary. Uniforms are uncomfortable for students, they do not allow students to express themselves freely and they are expensive for parents. Students should have the freedom of what they wear. Another practical problem is that paying for uniforms wastes parents` money when their children can simply wear the clothes they have. In addition, schools could sell uniforms for more than necessary. In the UK, for example, the Guardian reports: “Parents could spend millions more pounds on school uniforms than they have to because there are exclusive agreements between schools and providers,” the government`s competition watchdog warned. Principals and school boards were told Thursday by the Competition and Markets Authority (GAC) that they must allow parents to look for affordable uniforms for their children and use supermarkets if they wish, rather than being forced to buy more expensive items under exclusive agreements with suppliers” (Smithers, Rebecca). This means that not only do parents have to spend extra money on an outfit, but the uniforms that schools sell are also too expensive. Students` resentment of the school and its administration stems from the fact that they feel they have been forced to wear the uniform. A majority of students do not want to wear the uniforms and, as a result, behavioral problems occur at school.

Students must wear school uniforms. The argument against school uniforms is that they restrict freedom of expression and do very little to improve a school. But it can be argued that uniforms make it easier for everyone involved to dress up in the morning. Schools no longer have to worry about what students wear, parents […] The question of comparison, especially for girls, is inevitable. Who wears it best is what they want to achieve with school uniforms, and it can even create a bigger gap than if they don`t wear uniforms. Essays on school uniforms differ in perspective or attitude, which strongly depends on the choice of subject. We can advise you to choose a school dissertation topic that contains practical points and that you can support with evidence from the scientific literature. Like the introduction, the completion of your trial is very important. This may be the only place a marker checks to find out what your attitude was when you wrote your school uniform essay.

The wearing of school uniforms promotes discipline at school. It is a constant reminder of the students where they are and makes them stop and think about the consequences, most of the time before impulsive actions. School uniforms are a general trend in school systems across the country. Some people find that uniforms are necessary to prevent peer pressure, bullying and discipline, but these things will always be an issue. Therefore, school uniforms should not be required in our school systems, as school uniforms can be costly for parents, they are uncomfortable and distracting, and deprive students of the right to express themselves freely. “Research on school uniforms – it`s clear that they discriminate against girls.” Girls` Uniform Program, July 27, 2017, girlsuniformagenda.org/2017/06/14/research-girls-school-uniforms-clear-discriminate/. Here, we will look at specific factors that can be considered important in students who wear uniforms. Educators and experts who support school uniforms believe that buying children`s uniforms gives them positive behavior. For example, it is believed that when students wear uniforms, they feel more professional and behave better.

Many educators also theorize that students can be distracted by fashion trends and clothing with symbols. […] Even after a few well-written drafts of essays on school uniforms, the dispute over whether a school uniform violates students` right of opinion will remain a never-ending discussion. But the truth is that wearing the uniform should depend on the circumstances and the image that a particular school is trying to portray. Be that as it may, the importance of school uniforms seems to prevail today, even as I write this conclusion and even after so many essays on school uniforms have been written. Finally, we should try to find sustainable ways to solve the growing problems of students. We should not rely on school uniforms to sweep problems under the rug, which is of no use to students. Wearing school uniforms saves teachers, students and administrators valuable time (by bringing the time-saving perspective of school uniforms). Without uniforms, teachers and schools, administrators spend a lot of time regulating the dress code. For example, time has been wasted deciding which clothes are appropriate, which skirt size is too short, among other problems that arise when regulating ordinary clothing to make it suitable for the school environment (Ruggerone 573). Such challenges would not exist if all students wore uniforms.

As a result, students also lose valuable time due to distractions that can be caused by clothes worn by their peers. Therefore, to avoid wasting time and distraction at school, students should wear uniforms. Having to buy uniforms every year can be very expensive for parents. Every year, students change and grow. Buying uniforms in addition to buying ordinary clothes costs more. If students did not have to wear uniforms, it would be cheaper for parents. Parents have to provide clothes for their children, of course, but spending unnecessary money on uniforms every year is a waste. Everyone grows up running out of clothes at some point, but if you have to spend more on uniforms, you take more money out of your parents` pockets.


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