
A Word Meaning Bring into Agreement

by bamsco January. 17, 22 3 Comments

15th century English borrowed compromised Anglo-French, meaning “mutual promise to abide by the decision of an arbitrator,” virtually unchanged in form and definition. The well-known use of compromises to settle disputes by accepting mutual concessions soon followed. EDITOR`S NOTE: There are other words that refer to different types of agreements – such as agreement, pact, promise, settlement and contract – but we have only promised A, B and C. We have kept that promise. This feeling fell into disrepair at the end of the 17th century; However, another meaning of 14th century negotiation, referring to an agreement (concluded through discussion) that regulates what each party gives or receives to the other, survives. Only in the 16. In the twentieth century, the company was used as a word for what was achieved by such an agreement through negotiation, haggling, the thick ring . by negotiating. What prompted you to seek an agreement? Please let us know where you read or heard it (including the quote if possible). Look for clues, synonyms, words, anagrams, or if you already have letters, type the letters here with a question mark or period instead of letters you don`t know (for example.B.

“cros. rd” or “il?p”) If your word has anagrams, these are also listed with a definition of the word, if we have one. The noun Agreement has the meaning of “consent” or “conformity”. It often occurs in legal, commercial or political contexts, where it is synonymous with contract and other similar words for a formal agreement. In the law, consent is used specifically for the voluntary consent or consent of an adult who is not under duress or coercion and who generally has knowledge or understanding. “Age” means “age of consent”, i.e. the age at which a person is considered legally entitled to give consent. Eighteen is the standard age of consent in the United States. The word also has a verbal meaning: “to commit or reach a formal agreement”. See Holmes` quote at the convention (above) for an example. The Latin compactus is also the source of the adjective compact, which is used to describe things smaller than others, that use little space or that have parts close to each other. However, this compactus is the partizip passed from the Latin compingere, which means “to assemble”.

The verb is a combination of com- and pangere (“to attach”). The adjective is unpacked in 14th century English, and in the 17th century, the related noun, which refers to compact things (modern applications are for cosmetic cases or automobiles), settles. If you remember, harmony is also synonymous with grammatical agreement. Cartel is ultimately derived from the Greek word for a papyrus leaf, chartēs, and is therefore a parent of card, card and charter. In Latin, the Greek word became a charter and referred either to the sheet or to what is written on the papyrus (for example. B a letter or poem). Old Italian took the word as a carta and used it to refer to a piece of paper or a map. The Cartello form of downsizing was used to designate a poster or poster, and then acquired the feeling of a “written challenge or a letter of challenge.” The French borrowed Cartello as a cartel meaning “a letter of challenge”, and the English then borrowed the French word in form and meaning. The parent of consent is the Latin consentire, a mutual connection of the prefix com- (meaning “with”, “together”) with sentire (“to feel”). The term “sense of unity” is implicit in English consent, which refers to consent, conformity or consent to what is done or proposed by another.

Consent is used as a noun or verb meaning “accept” or “grant permission.” English got the Anglo-French treaty in the 14th century as a word for a binding agreement between two or more people. Its roots go back to the Latin contrahere, which means both “to stick together” and “to enter into a relationship or agreement.” The first popular contracts were of the conjugal kind. Since the 1500s, Compact has been used in English to refer to an agreement or pact between two or more parties. It derives from the Latin compactum (“chord”), a name for compactus, the partizip passed from compacisci (“to make an agreement”), which combines the prefix com- (“with, together”) with pacisci (“to accept or tolerate”). Pascisci is also the source of the pact, an earlier synonym for compact. Another well-known use of the convention is in law and politics, where it is used as a term for an agreement between two or more groups (as countries or political organizations) to resolve issues that concern everyone – for example, the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. There are also the Geneva Conventions, a series of four international conventions (1864, 1906, 1929, 1949) signed in Geneva, Switzerland, which establish the humanitarian principles that signatory states must treat the military and civilian nationals of an enemy in time of war. However, the contract may refer to any agreement between two or more parties that is legally enforceable.

As a rule, a contract establishes an obligation on each party to do something (e.B. provide goods or services at a fixed price and according to a specific schedule). It can also create the obligation not to do something (for example. B disclose sensitive company information). The Mayflower Compact of 1620 was designed to bind passengers who landed in Plymouth in a political body and to require members to abide by all laws that should be established. Students know composition as the name of a short essay (assembly of words and sentences); The Philharmoniker knows it as a term for a long and complex piece of music (the arrangement of musical sounds); Historians and jurists know it as a term for a mutual agreement or agreement, such as . B a treaty or compromise (the rapprochement and reconciliation of differences). The first recorded evidence of attachment dates back to the 12th century and associates the word with things that bind, tighten, or restrict (like a chain). It is believed that the word is a phonetic variant of the tape that had the same meaning.

The words express any meaning that the Convention has attached to them, and it can therefore be argued that the State has expressly committed itself against this tax. — Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr., Trimble v. Seattle, 1914 As agreed (“I agree with the evaluation”), approval implies consent. The verb comes from the Latin concurrere, which means “to gather in haste, to collide, to exist simultaneously, to be in agreement”, and the noun – competition – is derived from the Latin concurrentia, “to assemble, to appear simultaneously”. The use of the match coincides with that of his Latin ancestors. In addition, the match has the broad meaning “agreement in action or opinion”. During the 17th century, the cartel referred to a written agreement between the belligerent nations, particularly on the treatment and exchange of prisoners. This use is illustrated by Bishop Gilbert Burnet in his history of his time (1734): “Thanks to a cartel established between the two armies, all prisoners were to be redeemed at a fixed price and within a limited time.”

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